group wellness coaching

Group Coaching Sessions

Workplace Wellness Workshops

Do you have a group that needs guidance for its interest in discovering solutions for wellness and how to attain that preferred future? Let’s get together and have a conversation about just how you can do that. Limited, local in-person or virtual sessions are available. Fees are per person or session by arrangement.

Does your group wish to have the tools to make and sustain changes that are their best hopes for wellness and resiliency? Normally group sessions start at 15 people and are 2 hours in length, however we can discuss workshop options that fits the needs of your group.  Limited, in-person local sessions are available upon request. Fees are per person or session by arrangement.

To obtain pricing or schedule group sessions or workshops, please fill the form out below or call Julie at 425.260.7665

Group Coaching & Workshop Request

Number of Participants


Which Service?

11 + 8 =

“Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another into the light.”

~ Norman B Rice

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” 

~ Howard Thurman