Root Cause Therapy

Root Cause Therapy Method

The Root Cause Therapy (RCT) method is a solution-focused, client centered approach that I use to assist you in processing and releasing patterns of painful, difficult emotions associated with intensely traumatic events.

What IS Root Cause Therapy?

Root-Cause Therapy (RCT) is a profound healing modality that uses regression and progression practices for the release and completion of unprocessed emotions. When you suffer trauma or intense life events and don’t allow for the resultant emotions to be fully felt and resolved, you experience the seemingly unbreakable and ongoing cycle of unwanted thoughts, behaviors, and symptoms.

Applying advanced ways of testing, I help you discover the actual causation of continued unease, discomfort, anxiety, and downward spirals that often result in cycles of negative life patterns and choices. I facilitate the process that guides you to tap into the self-healing mechanisms in the deeper parts of your mind in an empowering and safe container.  We create a way for the mind and body to consciously access and reassess from a clearer perspective, whether via past events or as negative projections into the future.

How does Root Cause Therapy work?

Rather than engaging in a repetitive replay of the problem and merely offering coping mechanisms that never seem to solve the problem, Root Cause Therapy, as the name suggests, is where we work together through your unconscious mind (or Higher Self) to identify the initiating (“root”) events that started and continue to cause emotional trigger response(s). We go to the root of the situation that created limiting beliefs keeping you stuck in the past and then work together to “pull out” the cause, rather than just mowing it over with management techniques. Clients experience longer lasting effects for change as they are then able to process similar situations in a more helpful and safe emotional way, without rehashing the traumatic experiences.

Basic Elements that clients experience from a Root Cause Therapy session are:

  1. Increased self-awareness around triggers still active from birth to now
  2. Improved emotional intelligence (being able to make/discern emotions)
  3. A holistic overview of all parts of your life through your own perception/feelings
  4. A recognition of habits and behaviors that no longer serve
  5. Resources that are personalized based on referred ways of learning
  6. Recognition of psychosomatic physical issues and pain
  7. Biofeedback testing to identify and prioritize belief structures that may be causing symptoms
  8. Accessing the memory database in your mind to determine the root-cause/s
  9. Somatic completion of unprocessed emotions
  10. Internal resolution for new pathways to wisdom accessed intuitively
  11. Re-wiring of similar or linked events to resolve symptoms ultimately moving forward (applying that new wisdom)
  12. Integration, realization and detoxification period post / in-between sessions
To learn more about how an RCT session works, take a look at this short video explanation:

Packages and Pricing

It is recommended that in order to realize the full healing of the Root Cause Therapy method, you experience at least 4 sessions. The first session is a 2 hour session that includes a full intake, explanation of the entire process, and the initial healing session. Subsequent sessions, spaced at least one week apart, are one hour.

I recently had the pleasure of experiencing RTC sessions with Julie and I am deeply grateful for her holistic approach to healing. Her clarity and compassion shone through in every interaction, making me feel supported and understood. She also really supported me in my own journey as an RCT practitioner making things clearer and embodied. Julie excels in her post-session follow-ups, providing insightful card readings and thoughtful emails that enhanced my healing journey. Her sensitive and clear communication style ensured I always knew what to expect and how to integrate the work we did together. I highly recommend Julie for anyone seeking a compassionate and comprehensive healing experience.
— Lila Lara

Julie is personable, professional, and caring. I always felt safe in her care. So grateful to have her as an ongoing practice buddy.


This is a great system, and Julie is a wonderful practitioner. Sensitive, patient, and compassionate. I felt safe and witnessed every step of the process.


I enjoyed the experience and am very grateful for the opportunity.

Julie’s compassion, insight and intuition have helped guide her beautifully during our Reiki sessions. She is selfless, kind and above all, genuine in her efforts to help her ​clients find peace. I will continue to connect with her when I seek that spiritual lift and encourage others to do the same.


“Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another into the light.”

~ Norman B Rice

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” 

~ Howard Thurman