Astrology 101 - Using the 13 Sign Constellational Approach

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Astrology 101: Using the 13-sign Constellational Approach to Understanding Your Personal Chart

Have you always wondered what the stars holds for you as your cosmic birth blueprint? Do you want to know how to "read" your own chart and have a better understanding of your personal astrology? Then Astrology 101 is for you. I teach you how to understand your celestial code through the use of the real live time sky in constellational, 13-sign astrology. Rather than the holograph of 12 equal signs typically used in Tropical ("mainstream") astrology, in this course, I will connect you to the actual sky and the sign constellations as they naturally appear. We will also use all 13 constellations that cross the zodiacal line so that you really know all of the astrological energies from an internal, spiritual knowing. Class descriptions are below. Class Schedule pending.

  • Class 1: Chart Basics: "What am I looking at?" I will go through all of the symbols and major graphics of an astrological chart from the 13-sign constellational perspective.
  • Class 2: Energetic markers for each of the 13 constellations (signs) and characteristics of the Sun, Moon, Ascending (rising), and Midheaven
  • Class 3: Characteristics of the Personal Planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars
  • Class 4: Characteristics of the Interpersonal Planets: Jupiter and Saturn
  • Class 5: Characteristics of the Transpersonal Planets: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
  • Class 6: Elements, Modes, chart quadrants
  • Class 7: Characteristics of the 12 houses (and why 12?)
  • Class 8: Putting it all together – walking through the story of sample charts

Class participants will receive a copy of their astrological chart (birth date, time, and location must be provided for accurate charts), handouts describing the constellations, houses, and planets, access to a private link with video lessons in support of each class or if you miss a class.

***Anyone who pre-pays ahead for all 8 of the classes will receive a 20% discount (per class comes out to $20 rather than pay-as-you-go at $25). Choose Quantity 8 for "Add to Bag" for the pre-paid series.***

Recommended Text: “Keywords for Astrology - The Essential Guide” by Hajo Banzhaf and Anna Haebler (June 3, 2024 edition).


Class Location: Sonoran Magic, 1910 North La Cañada, Green Valley AZ

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Astrology 101 - Using the 13 Sign Constellational Approach