Pleiadian Astrology/Birth Chart

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Your Evolutionary Guidance (Life Path, Life Theme) and how you’re here to do it described using 13 Universal Energies and 20 Earth Energies relative to your birth date (see description below for more information about these energies). Includes information about how these energies can be seen in lower and higher vibrational levels.

13 Universal Energies – Universal (cosmic) energies are frequencies to harmonize humanity with the Universe. They are the Cosmic Laws and Truth. Human vibrations (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) range from high to low (not in hierarchical sense – in a frequency sense). High vibrations in these realms synchronize and align with cosmic truth. The different energies are numbered and named, but only as a means to “translate” them into human language. They are not linear – they are spiral. The movement is fluid, calling us to adapt and adjust to be in alignment with our evolutionary paths.

20 Earth Energies – as with the UE, these energies also named and numbered. They are a way for us to understand our role as humans on earth and relevant to human proficiency and life on Earth. The Earth experience is based on dualism (Self – Other). These come from the Pleiadians and are recognized in the Mayan and Cherokee cultures and help us to work toward the eventual Unity of the Dualistic Experience, TRUE EVOLUTION. We use the experience of duality for growth from the false reality. We pull in the Universal consciousness to our Earth experience to expand our awareness back up to the “Heavens”. Words and numbers assigned are merely a way to “humanize” the language of the energy and how it is felt.

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