Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC Blog

Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC Blog

Advanced Certified Wellness Coach ♥ Certified Usui Reiki Master Practitioner ♥ Master Sidereal Astrologist

Magic and a Grain of Sand

Magic and a Grain of Sand

Every week, via the technology of the internet, I join a group of solution-focused coaching/therapy colleagues for practice and discussion. It’s vitally important for us to practice in order to continually grow and maintain fluency in the craft of asking questions...

What is “Community”?

What is “Community”?

It’s been awhile since I’ve had the opportunity, time, and creative inspiration to write. After a recent experience of pulling away from interacting via the greater part of social media, I decided to reflect on my observations. At the end of last month, I had a...

Are We Our Stories?

Are We Our Stories?

“If the old me disappears, who will I be?” When considering making changes in life, this question is something very real to contemplate. We humans have a difficult time making changes to ourselves, to our habits, to our perspectives, and even to our very thoughts. But...

A Discussion of Hope

A Discussion of Hope

As a wellness coach using a solution-focused approach, much of what I talk about is hope. So much so that I’ve included it in the name of my work. This, of course, creates a sense of hyper-awareness when I hear broadcasts or come across readings that explore the...

Accept the Imperfection

Accept the Imperfection

Writing is a very creative and cathartic process for me. Rather than pressuring myself to have timed and structured blog posts, it’s one of the very few things in my life I tend to do when the inspiration strikes. In my daily musings, ideas will come into my head, or...

The Importance of Empathy

The Importance of Empathy

In this wellness coaching work that I do, the word “empathy” comes up quite frequently. So, I decided to explore just what this word means as I see it portrayed in social media, in conversations among my professional coaching groups, and just within the context of...

“Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another into the light.”

~ Norman B Rice

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” 

~ Howard Thurman

Work With Me

15 Minute Complimentary Consultation

Time individually determined
By Phone, Skype or Zoom arrangements
If you would like to consider coaching and/or specialty services, I’m happy to do an initial 15 minute complimentary consultation.