Pain and the Eye of the Beholder

Recently, I witnessed an exchange on social media that had me thinking about how we each experience and perceive pain in our lives. This particular interchange centered around deeply hurtful, derogatory language and quickly devolved into a comparison of which words...

Reflections and Transitions

My last blog was all about finding my way to following my Heart Map in forging and making new personal path decisions. Tuning into that heart space allowed me to find clarity and direction for my next chapter. Little did I know that the weeks following would be one of...

Following My Heart Map

Over the last several weeks, with all of the profound changes in our world, I found myself in a place where I was forced to deeply contemplate what it means to move from the mind’s mental chatter and to center within the heart to make some life-changing decisions. To...

Hopes in Talking Together

Quick, off the cuff and only audio in the YT link. But it’s from the heart and how I feel these days. I’ve laid pretty low in posting, and intend to keep it that way. For precisely the reasons I talk about in the blog. Unity. Coming together.   Hopes In...